Vote Now for Raine’s Story to Win $10,000 to Help Pets Like Him.

The Phoenix Business Journal will award up to $10,000 to the non-profit organization whose story receives the most votes. AHS is one of 15 finalists whose story submission showcased the Golden Retriever puppy and the one hero who took action to save his life. Vote today! Read Raine’s story below.

The Tempe Police Department was the first to receive the call from a Good Samaritan regarding a case of suspected animal abuse. The victim? A 4-month-old Golden Retriever who had been beaten by his owner with a metal rod.

Over the next several weeks, a story of horrific animal abuse and the brave hero who saved his life emerged, along with a very happy ending.

Every year, there are a handful of rescues that capture the heart of our community. Raine was one of those cases, and more than 300 people expressed interest in adopting the adorable Golden Retriever puppy who was beaten, nearly to death, with a metal rod. But there was one person whose interest held a special place in the hearts of the Arizona Humane Society. One brave woman spent weeks searching for the source of the heartbreaking howls and cries, and she helped lead the police to the criminal responsible for Raine’s injuries. She also led police to two other pets, cats who were in need of extreme medical care. She was, and is, their hero.

She saved the puppy’s life. And she wanted to be his mom. Despite the hundreds of people who expressed interest in the puppy, AHS decided not to hold its typical adoption drawing. Instead, the woman who saved his life was going to continue to give him a great one. It was an extraordinary case and an extraordinary situation and we felt that it was the right thing to do. Both then and now, our hope is this story will inspire everyone in our community to report animal abuse. Victims depend on us, and we depend on the community to help be their voice.

As Raine successfully settles into his new home, his owner has asked this of our community:

“When it comes to animal abuse and cruelty, these animals cannot speak for themselves. They rely on us to be their voice in times of need. It’s okay to be sad, scared, and angry when witnessing animal cruelty. But the one thing that is not okay is to turn your back on those who need us most. So I just want to ask the public, if you witness or hear something, don’t ignore it. Take action. Write down any details or use the camera on your phone to record and take pictures. And then, call local law enforcement or the Arizona Humane Society for help. There are organizations and agencies that take animal cruelty very seriously and will support you through this process.” – Heather Frazer

If you witness animal cruelty, please report it immediately by calling your local police department or AHS’ Emergency Animal Medical Technicians™ at 602.997.7585 Ext. 2073. 

Vote for Raine’s Story Today!

July 14, 2017