Woman drives 14 hours to rescue Sky from AHS

Our Alternative Placement team had not received any inquiries for Sky, a sweet rescue dog with extremely bad allergies. It looked like she might spend the holidays in a kennel, but all it took was one phone call to make Sky’s holiday wish come true.

Arizona Humane SocietyWhen our adoption partner Patti Carter heard Sky’s story, she sent her photo to Terri Scofield, a woman from Boise, Idaho who has done animal rescue work for over 20 years. Upon seeing a photo of this sweet rescue dog, Terri immediately fell in love and drove for 14 hours to Arizona to adopt her!

It was truly a Christmas miracle for Sky, who now has a loving home to call her own.rescue dog AHS

If you want to help make another animal’s Christmas wish come true, you can make a gift that will be doubled until December 31, 2016! Your contribution will ensure that we can continue to rescue, heal, adopt and advocate for homeless animals in our community who have nowhere else to turn, just like Sky.

Thank you for your continued support of the Arizona Humane Society and your commitment to saving lives!

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December 22, 2016