Legislative Update: Animals Still Need Your Help!
While we’re disappointed with the Arizona Senate’s vote yesterday on HB2150, we’re proud of the collective efforts of our partners, constituents and friends. HB2150 narrowly passed, thanks to your advocacy. We thank you and humbly request you to continue to join us in opposition as the bill moves back to the Arizona House of Representatives for one, final vote, expected this week. As this Arizona Republic article explains, the bill reduces penalties for livestock abuse, potentially making it a lesser crime to abuse horses and cows versus cats and dogs. We’re steadfast in our belief that abuse is abuse, neglect is neglect and abandonment is abandonment — regardless of the species.
Please contact your Representative right away and encourage them to vote “no” on HB2150. To determine your legislative district, enter your address on this map. You can then find your legislators by searching the House roster here.
Thank you for being the voice for Arizona animals. They are counting on your to speak out today.