PHOENIX (July 25, 2023) – In an incredible tale of survival and strength, Libby, an 11-month-old domestic shorthair kitty, is finally ready for her forever home after an astonishing four months of medical treatment for severe burns at the Arizona Humane Society (AHS). Perhaps even more incredible is Libby’s sweet demeanor throughout her treatment and the growth of white hair where she was burned, giving her an even more unique look!
Photos and video of Libby’s healing journey can be found here.
In April of this year, Libby was transferred from a local emergency animal clinic to AHS’ trauma hospital as an injured stray after she was found to be suffering from burn wounds caused by a fire in Downtown Phoenix. Just seven months old at the time, the sweet kitty was found to have burned and raw paw pads, ears and nose, melted plastic throughout her body, singed hair/whiskers and smelled intensely of smoke.
AHS veterinarians immediately treated Libby for her wounds, administered subcutaneous fluids, antibiotic and pain medications, as well as observed for possible respiratory damage due to smoke inhalation. After approximately a month of treatment, Libby was healthy enough to be placed in a loving Foster Hero home to continue her healing journey.
Throughout her care at AHS, Libby has undergone dozens of medical procedures from surgeries to remove damaged digits, sedation to clean and clip her burns as well as daily bandage changes. Due to her injuries, this loving girl has a medical disclosure for scarring of her feet and will need to have her nails trimmed frequently so they do not grow into her paws.
Libby will be available at AHS’ South Mountain Campus today, those interested in learning more are encouraged to visit Additionally, all AHS adoptables have just $20 adoption fees now through July 31, 2023 thanks to BISSELL Pet Foundation.