In 1958, the Arizona Humane Society’s weekly television show, Pets on Parade, made its debut, sharing the joy of pet ownership with Arizona viewers. As the longest-running locally produced television show in the state, Pets on Parade aims to bring awareness to the difficulties facing homeless, sick, injured, and abused animals throughout our community and educate and encourage pet ownership. After a 2-year hiatus due to Covid-19, Pets on Parade is back in studio!
The show features a parade of pets who need fur-ever homes and special guest interviews, along with useful animal-care tips. Last year, AHS found 9,392 forever homes for pets and placed a total of 11,352 through adoption and alternative placement programs.
In case you missed our premiere studio come-back, check out last week’s episode!
Let’s raise the woof for Pets on Parade! And be sure to check out the videos below for past episodes of Pets on Parade: On the Road.
- In The Media
Pets on Parade: On the Road
09/10/2022Pets on Parade: On the Road
09/03/2022Pets on Parade: On the Road